Friday, November 11, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

 We slept late this morning and Phil finished packing his belongings before Bill came to pick him up. 

Many of the boats that pulled in yesterday are staying over another night, like us.  The boat second from the left in this photo belongs to Ken & Pat Goewey from Burnsville, Minnesota who pulled in yesterday on "20 Bucks", their 40' Cruisers Inc.  Their home port is Red Wing and they are also starting the Great Loop.  We hope to meet up with them again several times along the way.

Bill came around 10 and we said our goodbyes to Phil.  I told him that we will always have a berth available for him!


Later, we went to a get together of Loopers to talk about good anchorages for the rest of the trip to Mobile, and also about traveling together for at least a part of the way tomorrow.  There's a lock fairly close to the marina and it would be convenient for all of us, as well as for the lockmaster, if we could time our arrival so we all lock-through together tomorrow.
The owners of 9 boats were there, 8 will be leaving in the morning.
It also happened to be Pat's birthday ("Glory Days") so her husband Joe provided birthday cake.

Although I forgot to take photos, today we finally met Brian and Jackie Smillie of Woodbury, MN, the owners of "Gotta Smile" a 48' Kadey Krogen North Sea.  Like us, they also sold their house and are living and traveling aboard their boat until they get sick of it.  Brian and Jackie are not Loopers, but they're a whole lot of fun!

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