Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back to standard time today so it was starting to get light around 6. 
About 6:30, 4 boats cruised by us as they left the anchorage upstream from us that we thought only held 3 boats last night.



"Colorado Cat"

 "Another Dawn" (notice they have a solar panel mounted on the stern)

Joe had to get in the dinghy this morning and...

haul up the anchor by hand that he had set out off the stern last night. 
...then Phil pulled him, the dinghy, and the anchor in.

 We left our anchorage about 7:30.

When we later passed “Eggroll”, their friendly German shepherd dog barked “hello".

A few miles down, the white cliffs of Epes are made of chalk and were stunning with the fall colors set against them.

"Kismet" and "Glory Days" passed us a little after noon.

We passed by the confluence of the Black Warrior and Tombigbee rivers.

Phil got the lines ready as we approach the marina at Demopolis, AL where we will stay for the next 2 nights.
Kismet and Glory Days waited to get into the fuel dock, but we headed right to our slip.
Bill and Eileen met us at the marina.  After they left MN for the winter they followed the Great River Road along the Mississippi River, stopping at small towns along the way, then spent a couple of days in Memphis before coming to Demopolis

The marina's courtesy cars were already reserved for the rest of the day, so Bill and Eileen went back to their hotel, emptied their car, and came back for us.  Then we all went out for dinner together at a fast food restaurant because this was Sunday, and all the "real" restaurants were closed, including the one at the marina.
Bill and Eileen are leaving tomorrow and Phil needs to get back to his winter job in Minne-snow-ta at Sentry Table Pad Company in Oakdale, so he'll ride with them to Mobile where he'll catch a bus to a train station then take an Amtrak home.

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